gallery xyz geometric impulse art cover.jpeg

Patio and VideoRow Lobby: Mobile Arts Platform (San Francisco)

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Come One Eat All, Family Dinner, dojoji, Strip, Britney Scale, Keep It To Yourself and Que Sera Sera

XYZ: The Geometric Impulse in Abstract Art

Linda Besemer

Linda Besemer

Organized by Jessica Halonen and Emily Joyce

This exhibit seeks to showcase contemporary works that explore non-objective abstractions, utilizing the design and analytical techniques of geometric structure. It's an engaging exhibition ranging from the subtle to the clamorous, across media from sculpture to painting to video. Exploring concepts from the material to the noumenal, this show raises interesting questions regarding perception and awareness.

Featured artists:
Linda Besemer, Claude Collins-Stracensky, Krysten Cunningham, Mark Hagen, Jessica Halonen, Hadley Holliday, Emily Joyce, Dennis Koch, Jessica Mallios, Brad Tucker